Mazo Hallowe’en Party, Done now

‘Twas fun!  All of you folks have probably been hanging on pins and needles waiting to hear about it, and now you shall. 

The day itself wasn’t the best example of a lovely Wisconsin Fall day.  Not as sunny as it could have been, or as warm.  BUT, it did get sunnier and warmer later in the afternoon.

Didn’t really matter since most of the nude stuff happened indoors.

If you read the earlier posting about this event, you’ll know that it involves a country motel with  nice big indoor pool, hot tub, sauna and steamroom.  Add a gigundious potluck food event, music and dancing, costume contest, and some silly games, it was a BALL!  As it always is.  A hundred or so people united in the enjoyment of having fun naked.

There were some folks there that had never before shed their ‘skins’ in this way before, and they loved it.

 I personally had the pleasure, purely platonical, of helping a few ladies with their wardrobes and makeup for the costume contest.  It seems that I have a knack for that sort of thing.  Angie worries that I may be gay and not know it (I mean, momen’s makeup and such?  Hmm.) but I don’t think so.  It was entirely too much fun applying nipple rouge…  😉

All men are pigs.

But it was all great fun, something to plan for if you can get to this part of the world in late October.

There was one lady, we’ll just call her, oh, Nancy (not her real name), that accidently let out that she is not only Bi but also sleeps around a lot.  I only mention that because I promised her that I would plaster that on the internet, much to her chagrin and the delight of her friends.  It’s actually just kind of a joke.  Come to the party next year and hear the rest of the story!

Anyway, it was a nice respit from the already cruel winter that encroaches and which will be with us for a long, long time.  Anybody want to trade a nice house in Wisconsin for one somewhere warm?  Please…

Check back to this posting in a couple weeks or so, we might have some pics from the party.  Or, check Badger Naturists .

Related:  Acedemic Naturist

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