Huggies Porn?

Authorities in Sidney, Australia are hot on the case of diaper commercials which, gasp!, show baby butts!

‘One complainant said: “In the ad, it shows a mother taking her toddler to the toilet and pulling off his undercoppertonewear…

“I am disturbed when I think of the thrill a pedophile would get from this image,” the complainant added.’

Ah, I really am stumped as what to say about this.  I’m not sure who’s sicker, the pedophile or someone looking so hard for pedophilic material.  Ya know? 

Read the article and decide for yourself.   Nude baby ads inquiry

What next, the Coppertone kid?  – S

2 Responses

  1. I have to wonder about people who spend all of their time looking for things that might attract perverts. To find sexualization and potential for exploitation in even the most innocent of images, they have to be thinking like a pedophile which is only one very small step from being one.

    Admin: You’re right, and that same kind of thinking is what they do when confronted with nudity. They see only the devil in themselves.


  2. I do have concern about children being “used” to make money for adults… Maybe there should be a law prohibiting minors in tv and films etc… after all they can’t vote until they are 21…

    Admin: The ‘use’ of children in marketing and art is an oft-debated subject. Toss in the idea of nudity and watch out! Pretty little girls can be dressed up like seductresses for pageants, used as foils in sexy tv shows and movies, oversexualized in the same, taught that sexy is good (sex is bad, but if you’re sexy enough you can do it!), women try to appear as young as possible, men lust after the little cuties and all that is ok, but a naked kid in a harmless situation is taboo. There’s some real sickos out there and I don’t mean just the pedophiles.


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