Valentino Nudes


Valentino  Zubiri, whom  we have recently connected with, has a good hand for human body drawing.  We’ve been given permission to use these images on this site, and will  do so now and then.  Click on them for more info or visit  ‘Reader Submissions’ on the top bar.

This artist has found that there is not much of a a market for non-sexual body drawpublic davidings and has become discouraged from continuing in this direction.  Maybe we can help.  A shame to lose talent.  Personally, we would be proud to hang some of these drawings in our home and hope to be able to do so.

Anyway, this new (to us) artist has struggled to portray the human form in a simply human way, avoiding the easy road to profit by making them sensual or sexual.

Good thing Michelangelo didn’t stop with ‘David’. ..   Not really sexy.  OK, maybe… but I think not intentionally.   I mean, ah, it’s a hard line to define.  Body, beauty, sensuality, sexuality.  What a mix!

Fortunately,  some other folks are still having fun with the human form.

After all, we are kinda funny.  I think the creator of this next image was ifdavidwasamoderndaymanjust having fun and didn’t realize that a lot of us find it to be beautiful anyway.  ‘David’ was human form in perfection, this one is human form in reality.  And still beautiful.

Oh heck, that’s a big part of the nudist lifestyle.

We  recognize physical beauty but it just is’t a big thing.  We tend to be more interested in the person inside.    How weird is that…  We just wanta be nekked and left alone!

To keep things in perspective, consider this artist’s conception of beauty,  Peter Paul Reubens… fatty boombatty's

We would appreciate more submissions of artwork, from their creators, via the ‘Reader Submissions’ link.  Or, drop something into the forum.  Not looking for porn, there’s plenty of that out there.

Pics must be no more than 200×200 pixels to display.  They can include links to larger versions.  All photo submissions must contain a statement that  the pic is owned by the submitter and gives us full rights to use it on this site (giving credit to the submitter) but retaining ownership to the party submitting the material.  If you have questions, e-mail and we can work it out..  No big thing but we just want to protect everyone involved.  We will not disclose any information about you other than that which you wish.

If you’d just like to submit some nudist pics of yourselves, that’s fine.  Same rules apply, different place.  Go to ‘Nudist Photos’.   No copies from websites, please.

To submit photos you will need to send pics separately to so we can include them.  I know, clumsy, but that’s how it goes.  Send your disclaimer along with them.  This system is awkward but it works in the long run.

Bye!    -S

Courteous behavior is expected; please stay on-topic. Thanks!