3 Responses

  1. Children with their niave impressionable young mindsdo not understand whoesomeness etc. I feel the powere of misguided eroticness, of seeing each other naked, has to set in, and if they tell their school mates etc, they go naked, espcially girls, they are setting themselves up for bullying etc. Nudity camps should have apolicy of +14yrs and older, like the ratedness of TVetc

    Admin: Children do not need to understand wholesome, they ARE wholesome. Nudity doesn’t mean eroticism or sex until it is taught to them, usually by hiding it until they have reached an age where sex becomes interesting. By hiding our bodies, we teach them that our bodies are shameful and used only for (shameful) sex.

    Age restrictions on movies are there precisely because most children know no other context for nudity other than in a sexual way, because they have learned no other. Children raised in a nudist evironment understand that the human body is simply that, the form we live in. To be respected and enjoyed in many ways, most of them non-sexual.

    If you want to worry about impressionable young minds, worry about all the violence and irresponsible behaviour displayed in movies and television that are, unfortunately, perfectly socially acceptable for viewing by children. And worry about those that would teach our children that their bodies are things of shame, to be used only as sexual devices to attract the opposite sex.

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  2. Oh yes, so glad to see you write this. I find it amazing that the ratings system in Australia continues to find it better for children to view somebody who has been raped, murdered, seriously beaten up than to see an image of non-sexual nudity.

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  3. Sharing non-sexual nudity with your kids is the most natural thing in the world!
    The media has corrupted what is natural and made it seem like something that is wrong.

    Also, I agree that we seem to live in a messed up world where for some reason, it has become okay for kids to see extreme violence, but unacceptable for them to see breasts or a penis at a beach. How did we get to that point? It is crazy.

    Stay nude,


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