Sex on the Beach, part two

All Nudist has MOVED to

OK, told you we would get a bit more into this subject.  The only trick is to do it in a tasteful fashion for a family weblog.

Now, nudists have a bit different view of nudity and generally see sexuality to be a separate thing all  together.  But, we also have normal urges and stuff, and who wouldn’t  love to make love on a romantic beach?  Well, maybe the lady, what with sand and such, but we’ll just skip that part.

The thing is, we just don’t do that sort of thing.  Yeah, there’s places that cater to that but the usual nudist destinations seriously frown upon that behavior.  Occasionally at our favorite beach someone new to all this doesn’t quite understand that and needs to be informed.  Usually it comes from the (quite logical, from a Textile viewpoint) assumption that nudity means sex.  The folks that we’ve encountered in this situation have all handled their reprimand quite well, they just didn’t know the rules.

I would love to make love with my Angie in the Wisconsin River, what fun!  Or on the sunny beach.  But you know what?  It’s just not something that we need to share with everybody else there, and it’s quite possible that they don’t wish to share it with us either!  Imagine that.

Social nudity is a wonderful experience, and we need to protect our rights.   The enemy is out there, they’re gunning for us, and we don’t need to give them any more ammunition.  So behave, please.   Boy, am I wet blanket or what!


4 Responses

  1. […] or a Ranger will arrest you.  Tanning oil is for tanning, not for fun.  Nudity is for fun, not  sex on the beach.   ‘Nuff […]


  2. […] or a Ranger will arrest you.  Tanning oil is for tanning, not for fun.  Nudity is for fun, not  sex on the beach.   ‘Nuff […]


  3. Love your sense of humor in your descriptions. Thanks for sharing!


  4. We try to keep a sense of humor though it gets hard after so many bad news reports of the things happening at beaches. You’ll see other postings that reflect a much less relaxed tone, I’m afraid! Thanks! Oh, be sure to go to our NEW site,!


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