Preparing for a Naturist Retreat | Naturist Lens

The weather is keeping me indoors. We had a few moments of sunshine, however it is mostly rain, wind, thunder and lightning. I took advantage of a break in the rain to plug in the camping trailer s…

Source: Preparing for a Naturist Retreat | Naturist Lens

‘Diary of a Nudist’ Video (nsfw)

 All Nudist has MOVED to

Here’s a classic sexploitation movie from before many of our visitors were born!  This is an old (1961) sexploitation film masquerading as an informational insight into the nudist lifestyle, still a common practice today on the internet.

The premise is that of a woman newspaper reporter visiting a nudist club in order to do an expose’ of the immoral behavior expected to be found there.  We’ll let you find out how that works out, but in the meantime there’s a hour of nude pretty young women posing and parading their assets for the camera.  You can skip the first three minutes unless you’re really into underwater swimming!

Surprisingly, cheesecake aside it’s not too far from the mark in depicting life at a nudist camp of the day.  Filmed at Sunny Palms Lodge in Florida,  this was one of many ‘nudie-cutie’ pictures filmed at nudist facilities after the Supreme Court ruled that movies shot in legitimate nudist venues were considered educational and exempt from obscenity laws as long as no sex was involved.

This industry remains alive and well today with otherwise legitimate appearing websites making gobs of money peddling modern nudie-cutie movies to people who can’t get to see enough skin in person, and to those with no interest in nudism as a lifestyle at all.  Pretty women are pretty women, after all!  It’s the videos of children that concern us, but that’s a different story.

So, enjoy this bit of fluff that takes us back in time, and at the same time demonstrates that (pretty) naked people look pretty much like naked people, no matter what time in history they live!


Chinese View Young American Nudists

New York Youth Hold Naked Party, Chinese Netizen Reactions

 All Nudist has MOVED to

That’s the headline of an article purporting to give those of us outside of China a glimpse into how the Chinese view the Western world, and themselves; we cannot attest to its accuracy or validity.  The comments afterwards, while interesting, unfortunately are not so different from those we see made by textile westerners.  Ignorance, it appears, is universal.  They do have a particular flavor though, reflective of the Chinese culture.

“If this were in China, you couldn’t avoid being called perverted/deviant and behaving indecently!”   Sound familiar?

It should be remembered however, that it is we, the Western world, who are the ‘barbarians’ and are being measured on a yardstick which reaches far longer than our piddly western democracies have existed.

While you’re at this site, read the ‘about’ and check out some other articles to see how the Chinese see our world, according to this websites operators, at least.  Some of it may make you squirm a bit…

Isn’t it interesting that all around the world it’s the repressive, non-‘evolved’ societies that have such a big problem with ‘modern’ ideas of social nudism?  On the other hand, it’s also often the most ‘primitive’ societies that have very little problem with it!


Nudists Eye Youth Movement

A Cozy (Terra) Cotta Christmas

How would you like to spend a couple of days being pampered by friends, lounging nude around the pool?  Would you like to be able to step out and sample some great dining and entertainment options?   Sounds good to us!  Here’s a idea:

Tom and Marie Claire Mulhall are real, actual people and they’ll be your hosts at their Terra Cotta Inn  Clothing Optional Resort and Spa in Palm Springs, California.  If you’re thinking about taking a break, take a look at Terra Cotta.  They’ve got a great reputation and Tom is very actively involved in AANR and the naturist community, so you know you’ll be well taken care of.  Personally I like the idea of being at an owner-operated place where you can deal with them in person, especially when they’re not wearing clothes!

“The Terra Cotta Inn nude sunbathing resort and spa is located in Palm Springs, California. The sunniest city in the US. Not a nudist or naturist? No problem. Terra Cotta Inn is the most mainstream clothes free resort in the US and is perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.”    … ENTIRE ARTICLE Here>>>

A Little Nudist Music Video


Nudist’s Privacy Questioned

 We received a comment recently from a reader, Jarvis, who wondered about privacy when communicating with TNS concerning buying N magazine.  We suggested that he ask them about it.  The following is the comment he then sent to us about his experience.  We have no idea as to the actual circumstances but do feel that he makes some good points within his somewhat rambling rant.  Whether they can be addressed or not is another question. 

  He’s obviously upset, justifiably or not, and if his experience is widespread it bodes ill for spreading the word about our lifestyle.  Or maybe he’s just short-tempered and being unreasonable.  What do you think?  Have you run into his experience?  Do you share his concern?  Speak out, comment below! 

His comment and our reply follows:   

“The problem is the source lies! I did a consistency check between their website (TNS) that says they don’t give out information and the rude phone woman said the same thing. She also said they accept Visa gift cards. I bought two magazines and over a day later it still doesn’t show up on . All other transactions show up seemingly instantly and I had plenty of money on the gift card and entered in the sale info correctly. Nudists will never win over textile hearts when their customer service is rude, they lie, and the online store absolutely sucks! Most magazines are not sold individually, the store is difficult to navigate, the shipping fee for two magazines is $11 (and i’m only two hours away).
FCN is even worse, to even see the magazines you have to give personal information to a third party and maybe them, and it costs 13.75 shipping for a magazine. Donating to activist causes is just as bad, for example, send photos of a gift card to TERA and they won’t even accept it, but email a gift card front and back to my family and they soon use it. Standard donation options are also severely limited.
If nudist organizations want progress they need to change these things and make their sites easy to use like amazon or and have a clear privacy policy for people like me who can’t risk being found out by radical relatives.
I want to browse FCN’s magazines but first I have to do cross checks on Beanstream and FCN to make sure I won’t appear on financial sites and then if its private then to buy it I need to learn about international mail privacy.”

Admin: Well, it does seem like an excessive amount of bother to go through just to check out some magazines. A lot of nudists/naturists have privacy issues and one would think that businesses that cater to them would keep that in mind. The assumption would be that your privacy would be protected as well as possible but, as you say, how does one know if there is no clear policy? Usiang an alias, as many do when using the internet, is impossible when using credit cards or any kind of pay service.

We have declined participating in some surveys or joining certain websites for that very reason. In our case it isn’t concern over being ‘exposed’, it’s more about some nutcase on the Web that is pissed off about something we might have posted. We don’t need him knocking on our door late at night…

Well, there’s not much we can do for you but we CAN make this into a post and publish it. Others may have had your problem and have something to contribute. Possibly some of those naturist enterprises will read it and consider ways to alleviate the problem. As you said, if folks are afraid to even find out about naturism, we’re all failing in our efforts to bring new people into the nudist/naturist community.

Related:  Academic Naturist on Technology Against Privacy

I Have No “m”

The ‘m’ key isn’t working all the time,  so when it doesn’t, I’ll use ‘n’ instead, OK?

A Quick Update – Steve’s Awake!

Yup, he opened his eyes today and followed commands and even chuckled (even with the tubes).  Things are looking up and if you can all hang in there he should be back in the near future. 

Thanks again for the prayers, good thoughts and guest bloggers.  I couldn’t have done any of this without you all.

Please Stand By…

Not feeling too well lately, won’t be writing much for a bit.  Pease keep checking in.  Thanks!  -Steve