Naked in Paint, Latex

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Ever b05_bodypainting_05een latexed?  We haven’t but it sounds like fun.  You get a total body shave (as we understand) then get painted with latex in some sort of body painting neat way.  Then you can walk around totally naked but legally dressed!

Now, just guessing here, but I bet you feel about as naked as if wearing a rubber wetsuit, not really nude.  But still, kinda sexy, and fun, huh?  Hey, anything once, right?

Jennie  (jennie’s palette) posted something about an art exhibition where  some folks had a problem with painted models.  Ohmygod, nudes at an art show!

It’s all pretty silly, but reminds us that with all the problems this worldgroup has, some people will always find something to complain aspidermanbout.

We apologize that the pics here are mostly pretty young  women, that’s mostly what we could find.  Besides, as a canvas, guys are just so…lumpy!    But pretty cool, huh?

We’re including links to where you can buy this stuff.  If anyone has any experience with it we’re sure we’d all love to hear about it!

Latex Body Paint and Pics      Sports Illustrated  Body Paint Swimsuits 

More Naked Sports Painted Models   Male Body Painting    All Nudist: Body Painting    Buy the Paint


Whoa, head for the hills!  Hell’s Angels are coming!  tattoo-1

Not really, it’s just some guy (or gal) with tattoos.  Actually, maybe just one little butterfly on her butt.  Or a ‘Mom’ on his arm.  Or, an entire body covered with ink.  Oh my goodness.

What’s this all about?  It’s called body art, or tattoo.  For as long as people have been here and someone figured out that by poking holes and rubbing in a stain, a permanent design could be added to an otherwise empty slate.  Popularity varies from time to time, and culture, but’s always been around.  Why is it so scary?

It’s different.  Like nudists are different.  In our society we have learned to perceive it as relating to criminals or lowlifes.  Maybe sailors, but they’re excused, right?  Hey, I was a sailor and always kinda regretted never having gotten drunk with my buddies and waking up with an anchor or mermaid on my arm in the morning.  Sort of felt like I missed part of the sailor experience thing…

Like most of us I’d seen plenty of tattooed people in my life and held a rather reserved opinion of ‘those kind of people’, especially the ones with a lot of tattoos.  I mean, there must be something wrong with them, right?  I have to admit that I held a similar view of, well, nudists and other ‘weirdos’.

kitty tattoo Well gee whiz and my-oh-my, it is possible for an old dog to learn new tricks.  I’ve always considered myself to be an observant person, though incredibly naive (this self-knowledge has never done me a lick of good!), but my entry into the world of social nudism years ago opened my eyes to a lot of things.  We’ll get into some of those at another time, we’ll stick to tattoos right now.

Why do people tattoo?  Why do people wear a Packers T-shirt?  It’s a means of personal expression, of being ‘out of the herd’, or a symbol of being part of a particular ‘herd’.  Maybe they just think it makes them look nice.  Do this: The next time you run into a tattooed nudist, just ask.  Most folks like to talk about their tattoos and appreciate the attention.  Have you ever looked really closely at a tattoo?  I mean, really closely?  Don’t you wonder what the skin feels like?  Mostly we try not to stare at people but if you’re polite most tattooies (I just made up that word) love to talk about them. And it really is art.

I know a man who’s entire body is tattooed from neckline to ankles.  He’s a very nice guy and doesn’t even own a motorcycle.  Funny thing is, other than his wife, no one in his family knows that he has a single tattoo (or is a nudist).  Isn’t that a shame?  Just like it’s a shame that many of us have to hide the fact that we’re nudists.

Can we get some empathy here?  The point is, judge not, lest ye be judged.

382264_500What do you think of these pictures?  Are they art or desecration?  And is it any of our business?

I guess it’s just all in the eye of the beholder, huh?  I know that I haven’t yet quite decided.  But it is fascinating…

I’d give credit to the photographer if I knew who it was.  Sorry.       -S